Income Tax [ Part 2 ]
Written By : Sakin17
Preview : Someday ago, at 2 April 2013, we've talked about anyone who can't be considered as subjects of income tax. E.g.
- Representative of foreign country
- Foreign Ambassador , diplomatic and consular representative, and so on.
Now , we will continue about our topic that is about income tax.
Tax Object based on article 4, paragraph 1 mentioned about the definition of Income.
Income is every additional of economic capacity that :
- Be Accepted or gained by the assessable
- Whether it comes from Indonesia or from foreign country
- Can be used for consumption or to add wealth taxpayer
All of that can with whatever name and form.
Income Groups
Income groups can be divided become four parts. Anything all that, can be seen in the next edition.
......*To be continued (@_^)
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