Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sakin Fan fiction - [Naeui Sarang Good Bye] [ Part 2 ]

Naeui Sarang Good Bye [Part 2]
Author : Sakinatul M.
Genre : Korean fan fiction [ Sad, Romance]

Preview last part : ...I remember that he came to buy some chrysanthemum flowers. In my opinion he was cool and handsome. Maybe this is first love in first sight. But I don't know about his feeling.

       Next day, he came back to my store , he bought some chrysanthemums again. I don't know why he always buy chrysanthemum everyday. Maybe that all for his girlfriend maybe, [I think]. " Andwae Hye Jung, Geumanhae!" I talk to myself, try to advice myself. More he comes to my store, more I think and imagine about him. Every he come, he never a lot of speak to me. He just deliver some simple questions to me. And I always reply it, just with my smile and nod my head. He talk less  to me but , talk more with my uncle. This is better for me , that would better to me if he does not ask me to talk with him. I think, to see him pass by my store regularly, its enough for me to be happy.
            I know his habit step by step. He liked use tartan shirt, and rode his bike. He liked buy some chrysanthemum flowers with yellow colour. And he always smile to me.
That was my first time like someone. The taste like chocolate very sweet and beautiful.  Everyday I always wait for his coming. I didn't care his reason , why he bought chrysanthemum flower, for whom that flower, and so on.
            I like him but I didn't want to tell him about my feeling, because I realized someone like me forbidden to love the perfect boy like him. I'm just little angel without her wings. Very ugly and weak. For me he's star that very beautiful if be seen from long distance and more beautiful if we see it without touch even owned it.
           One day he came hurry up, I didn't know why, he held something in his hand. I thought that a paper. A poster maybe but more thick. He taken steps toward me. In that time my uncle wasn't in there. Just the two of us in that place. I didn't know what are happening. His face looks very serious , looks there was a something that he wants to do and tell. He who seldom and even never talked to me, suddenly he spoke a lot to me, very much. Many of words out from his mouth. But there's nothing of his words were heard to me, I didn't know what he said. I couldn't hear his voice well. In that time I just stayed sat glued and confused what should I do. I couldn't understand. I thought he speaks seriously to me, but what should I do. 
         There's a secret in my life that him or other person didn't know. Include him just my uncle who know that because he's my only family in Korea. That since I was child I couldn't hear well. Except that I also couldn't speak well. I was dumb and deaf girl. I was the girl with a lot of the weakness and misfortune. There are some disturbances with my sense of hearing and sense of seeing. So I couldn't hear and catch his sentences. I just put on my innocent and confused face. I saw he was very disappointed after speaking a lot to me, but I  didn't give no responses. I couldn't response him. I tried to catch the moving of his lips. Sometimes he looks embarrassed, then he changes disappointed after that. And more leaking after he looks disappointed because of my careless he disappeared. He went out from the store. He ran quickly. Once again I couldn't call him , I couldn't stop him. He further away and eventually disappear from my view. Where he go?? 

Next part..........(@_^)   

What Do You Think About Sakin?

What Do You Think About Sakin???

           They give some different opinions, I don't know what they say honestly or not. But whatever they said whether badness or goodness I receive it sincerely and gracefully , I think this is can be a motivation to me be better than ever. Actually I like if they say about my badness, because it can be a constructive criticism.
          Overall I appreciate your opinions and your honesty.
Below, there are some opinions about Sakin's personality
  1. Laeli said that Sakin is the girl who always do the foolish doing.
  2. Nailun said that Sakin is a beautiful girl [I hope she said it honestly :D] , but sometimes she is ugly [ when Nailun?], childish, hard worker, annoying, friendly, talkative, easy going [ I don't think so, Nay], diligent, sensitive, I don't like her [ Nai Said that] 
  3. Ikoh, she just said that her opinions are similar from Nay's opinions. She also said that Sakin is careless, cheerful, and kind.
  4. Ria said that Sakin is Mrs.Kepo, [oh no that was because I'm cerious girl say , :P],except that Sakin is complicated, eccentric, sluggish, captious, figuring with her debt, smart, beautiful, and the complementary of her life. And she said that Sakin isn't her rival but Sakin's rival is Princess. [what do you mean?]
  5. From Rohmah she said that Sakin is complicated girl.
  6. Nur Azizah said that Sakin is cheerful, noisy, sometimes Complicated , hehe...
  7. Sri Hastuti's opinions about me she said that she was Sakin's friend until now. But, she was near enough with me. She thought that Sakin is friendly, smart and social. She also said that Sakin is kind [ are you sure Sri?]
  8. Meanwhile with Pawit she said that Sakin often speak with the mixture of some languages. Sometimes in Indonesian, sometimes in Korean language. And she said Sakin is Akbar lovers. [oh no... Pawit it was in past time, but now Sakin is .......lovers, kekekekek #secret]
  9. Eka said that Sakin is a beautiful girl, kind, friendly, diligent , but sometimes Sakin is complicated.
  10. Era's opinions about me are Sakin is kind, beautiful, sometimes sluggish, and thinker girl.
  11. Diyah said that Sakin is beautiful, and kind.
  12. And the last from Suci, Sakin is baeutiful, so complicated, childish, kind, cute, excited herself.
That was Sakin from my friend's point of view. From my point of view Sakin is the girl who has many of weaknesses. Her superiority just little. Some weaknesses that are owned by Sakin there are :
  • Sakin is a Thinker girl, she always think everything, even something that isn't important. She spent a lot of her time just to think about other opinion about her.
  • Sakin is introvert. Sakin difficult open to her friends. Every problem she buried herself.
  • Sakin is shy.She often blushful if there are some boy teases her.
  • Sakin is self conscious , she always under estimate to herself, every there is a mistake in her life she must be blames herself. And always think that every her behavior is fault. She consider herself is unlucky girl. She always fail in love.
  • And the most annoying Sakin is careless. Sakin often forget everything, very very a forgetful person.
  • Sakin is a jealous person. Everything makes her feel jealous mainly in the field of intelligence, kindness, and beauty.
  • Sakin is type of girl who is very concerned with self esteem. And she is the girl who always see someone from the physical mainly when choose the boy.
  • Easy to under estimate, hate the noisy, love the lonely, like the rain , flower, and romantic drama.
  • Difficult to find the sincerity.
  • Sometimes  sakin is lazy.
But Sakin has the kind side too, like,
  1. Easy to be touched
  2. A loving person
  3. Kind
  4. Curious person
  5. Brave
  6. Patient
  7. Independent
  8. Ambitious
  9. No quitter
  10. Strong
  11. Like to smile
  12. Respect and appreciate to other
I think that all about me, next time shall I go on. Because I've tired type it. ^_^

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Minister of Education, Rector, and Governor of Central Java Attend The Inauguration Of New Building in Semarang State University

"Minister of Education, Rector, and Governor attend The Inauguration Of New Building in Semarang University"

       Today, 30 of March 2013 Semarang State University hold the event with tittle "Student Workshop of Bidik Misi Scholarship and Inauguration of New Bulding at Semarang State University". The event be held to celebrate Semarang State University anniversary a to 48. The event was attended by Special star guest that was The Minister of Education in Indonesia Mr. Prof. Dr.  H. M. Nuh, DEA, rector of Semarang state university, Mr. Prof. Dr. Sudijono Sastroatmojo, M. Si, except that also present governor of Central Java for this period Mr. H. Bibit Waluyo and their respective  entourage like, Deans of each faculty in UNNES, vice deans, first provost , second provost, and so on. The event running successfully although just run in about 2 hours.

         The first event is opening prayer. Then, the next event is speech by rector. In his discourse, Mr. Sudijono expressed his pride to Bidik Misi student, except that he also read the achievements are got by Bidikmisi students, among of them like achievement of championship race, achievement of performance index, etc. The point is our rector Mr. Sudijono is very proud to us Bidikmisi student and Semarang State University generally.

          And the most memorable of the event is when be filled by Indonesian Education Minister that was Mr. Nuh. At the beginning of the speech he greet everyone who attend the event include us the student and don not miss the parents who attend too. Then, he inauguration some new buildings in Semarang State University , among of them are GSG Building, the lecture building in PGSD Ngaliyan, Tegal, and law faculty , and the last is schooling laboratory of UNNES. Then, he also expressed his pride to UNNES student, in his speech he delivered 3 point characteristic features of UNNES student. The first characteristic is "Respect student" he said that UNNES student are respect to other. It proven when his coming to UNNES some students have already lined up at the main gate of UNNES. Second, "Socially friendly". According to him we are friendly. And the last of his his impression on us is "Has The spirit and tradition of high achievement". Maybe that because of some achievement are we gotten, and our jargon that always voiced when there is big event. There are "UNNES......SUTERA" , "BIDIKMIS.......PRESTASI", "KONSERVASI.....LANJUTKAN", and so on. I think so  :D

        After that, he called some student parents to  forward to the podium in front of the audience as their representative. He was doing an exclusive interview with them. He also asked some students who don't have complete parents either don't have father or mother, even they who don't have both either father or mother or orphaned student. Mr. Nuh asked one by one the student parents who become representative in front of, he asked about their job, their family, their education, family condition, economy condition, and so on. There are some parents who have sad story about their family condition, there was happy too, and fun there was too. They are given the opportunity to shake hand of Mr. Nuh of course, our governor Mr. Bibit, and our rector Mr. Sudijono. And I saw all of them were very happy had that opportunity, even some of them so touched and shed their tears.

       Suddenly, the event become so touching when some of them told their economy conditions, their difficulty in life, their love for their children, their pride for their children, and the story from the students who don't have complete parents or orphaned student. Many of students were crying when the event was in progress, including the parents who came. Including me, I was crying because I remember my parents at home. I was regret because I couldn't bring my parents to attend that event. My record is not meet. But sometimes I promise to bring them shake hand with rector, governor, and education minister, even the president. hehe....(@_^)

         About 09.00 a.m until 09.30 a.m courtyard auditorium filled touching, crying, laughing, togetherness, and loving. Nearly two and a half hours was filled with these sense. I think Mr. Nuh and friends were success made atmosphere into a liquid and full of warmth and togetherness  despite the show is very formal event, but very pronounced the kinship.

       Overall for me the event was very impressed. Success has always been to four friends between rector of Semarang State University, Mr. Prof. Dr. Sudijono Sastroatmojo, M. Si,  rector of Surakarta State University [i don't know his name , >,< ], Governor of Central Java Mr. H. Bibit Waluyo, and the Education minister Mr. Prof. Dr. H. M. Nuh, DEA.
Success for our rector Mr. Sudijono who running for the vice governor of central java with Mr. H. Bibit Waluyo as a couple for the next period. Hopefully can bring central java more advance and successfully than ever and become the leader who trusted. We know that your decision to leave Semarang state university for a noble cause. We love you sir, good bye and good fight. We always support you, don't forget us.UNNES student. ^_^

Which Do You Prefer "PHP" or "HTS" ?

Which do you prefer?? "PHP" or "HTS"

           First I will explain to you what the meaning of "PHP", "PHP" itself taken by Indonesian language that is "Pemberi Harapan Palsu" or in English known as someone who gives the false expectations, oh no!!! :(  I can image that, what the feelings of someone who is given the false expectations it must be hurt, right??
         Many of person said that many of expectations to more many be disappointed. So that, should you hold something from what you want?? I don't think so, because hope is the last wealth. Someone can hold his live because of  a hope. So disappointed is better than no hope.
         OK, now let's discuss the hope about love. Image that you like someone and you think that this person like you too. I'm sure that you have big expectations, right?? But, are you sure that the person really like you?? (@_^) I think you haven't known about that. And your hope can become a disappointment. When you know that the person doesn't actually give you a hope. Maybe that person goes it to you because he just wants to have fun with you, joking with you, teasing to you, or so on. Or maybe you are too sensitive when someone gives more care to you. Whereas he doesn't have any other purpose. But don't worry to have a hope, if you hope something that all can be a motivation in your life. If you expect someone that isn't your fault, you are not guilty. Disappoint must be had, hurt must be felt. But it's a lesson for love, life, and fate.

        Now we will discuss about HTS, in Indonesian language HTS is Hubungan Tanpa Status. Or in English is the relationship without any status. It means between two persons boy and girl have a something between them, they forge a bond without knowing what are they feeling. Establishing a relationship don't know what it is called, whether it be love, dating or relationships even without any status. There are many reasons why HTS is happen maybe either or both are equally embarrassed to express their feelings. That is reasonable, but the one that unusual reason that one of them already has a lover. So almost close to the affair relationship. So, one of them difficult for each to release their lover. But between them there is a love too. I think they are  wishy washy or indecisive person. Huh,
or more hurt if one of them e.g. the girl likes the boy, but the boy doesn't respond her feeling maybe the boy really don't like her or the boy already has a lover. But the boy feels  compassionate to the girl , he doesn't to hurt or make her disappointed , so the best way for him make a relationship with the girl who likes him without any status , he just give the more care to her, kind to her, and so on, except that he does the same thing with her lover, so he feels that it is fair enough to them [it's for good boy, different if happen with a bad boy, I don't know what will happen]. 
          Maybe for the girl it's enough. Enough to make her happy. But without her knowing she has lied to his lover. She gets more attention from someone who has been owned other person, it's a fault. Indirectly you've hurt her.
A good relationship is the relationship that carried clearly without anything that be hidden.

So the conclusion are hope isn't a fault, but a hope that reasonable. And a relationship without status isn't the best solution.

Friday, March 29, 2013

English Education Is My Passion, But Accounting Is My Fate

Author : Sakinatul M.
Based on : My Own Experience

"English Is My Passion, but Accounting Is My Fate" I choose this tittle because it is match with my real story. Actually Sakin who comes from Kebumen since she was Elementary School already love English. And her love of english language grew up as she sat in Junior High School. 
       The Reason why Sakin good at English because she loves English very much. For Sakin learn English is very interesting and fun. The gold key how we can master something we have to love it first. If we have love it, although the thing are very difficult but it can become the interesting challenge. The first time Sakin love English because of her idol. That is the rider who has name Dani Pedrosa. Turn out, idolized someone can become our motivation. Sakin's motivation that got from Pedrosa because she want one day when Sakin abroad and meet Dani Pedrosa Sakin will not embarrassing himself because can't communicates well or happen the miscommunication with Pedrosa. So Sakin do effort how to improve her ability in English. Everyday Sakin reads English reading material and if Sakin find the difficult words or some words are not known she will write down on the paper try to find the meaning on the dictionary, then she memorized until she can remember well the meaning. She do it again, again, and again. Except that, Sakin also learn English by watching western movies. And naturally when Sakin learn English at school or learn by herself it take a place easily. I'm not smart girl but my love to something make me get somethiong unforeseen. Sakin ever get third position in English debate competition when I was at Vocational High School.So the key just "HOW WE LOVE SOMETHING" :) [we can add our idol as our motivation study too] (@_^)
             When I graduated from Vocational High School actually I want continue in English education department in college. I take "SNMPTN UNDANGAN" I choose English education department and Pure Accounting department in Semarang State University and Brawijaya University. The second choice that is Pure Accounting because my basic at Vocational High School I take Accounting department [that was my father's request]. Whereas, my mark at accounting is not good as mark in English, and my passion too. For me English is simple we just learn about how we can communicate with other language. But not with accounting, accounting for me is very complicated, sophisticated, and so on. We have to careful when calculating, writing down, record, read, etc. And the most annoying that is we always count the money in large amount but not real, just in writing.  >'< Matter of accounting is all about cycles, so if there one mistake it will at beginning it will impact until the final report, so if we want to fix the mistake we have to fix all in sequence from beginning til end. It is very boring. And Sakin is sloppy girl so it's very difficult to master Acconting lesson. I almost given up to learn it.
            But I realized, maybe Sakin has not love Accounting so for Sakin Accounting is very difficult. Nevertheless, God give Accounting department as Sakin department right now as Sakin fate. The fate asks Sakin to love and learn Accounting well as Sakin love and learn English. Little by little Sakin begin to love accounting and the difficulties are diminishing. So  far so good, althought Sakin's motivation in Accounting haven't found [Mrs. Sri Mulyani Inderawati maybe]. :)
Accounting Class [B], Economy faculty, Semarang state university , are my fair fate from Alloh SWT as my God. ^_^

Sakin fan fiction [Naeui Sarang Goodbye]- Part 1

Tittle : Naeui sarang goodbye
Main Cast : Choi Hye Jung, Kim joon myun
Genre : Romance fiction
Author : Sakinatul M.

"Choi Hye Jung Point of view"

         "Wushhh......." the wind is blowing up, make some leaves shake. And there are some chrysant sepals are falling down. What a Korean beautiful spring. When some plants are growing and some flowers are swelling my old memories starts to grow too, that is spring season. In here, in this place my old memories back to grow up, remember me with some events in the past time. Flower shop, the place that save some memories about me and him.
        This is my first time come to here, since I come back from Germany. This place still look likes five years ago. The small building with bright white paint, the curtain that has flowers patterns, and some paintings are hang on the wall.
The design of template for the flower arrangement  still look likes the original design five years ago before I left. The roses with every its colours are arranged near the window. The lavenders ones are put on the right corner near arrangement of tulipes. Meanwhile , the  flowers are arranged on the left corner near with the  orchids ones. Next to cashier desk, aranged neatly some kinds of chrysant flower with its awesome appearance. All of that are result of my design. I put some chrysant in front of because I love chrysant very much.
         I think my uncle let it still look likes past time because of me. He know that this place is my favorite place, He know that I love this place very much, so he'll let this place like what I want since past time. I take my steps toward the cupboard is arranged near the window. There is a picture that I save some times ago. When I take it, I can see my face five years ago is painted on this canvas. Yes, this is my picture. The girl who be painted in that painting is me, Hye Jung, Choi Hye Jung. This painting bring me to the time five years ago, when the first time I meet him, meet with someone that I don't know about his full name, his background life, his address, etc. But one thing that I know of him that is his sincere feeling to me, that he likes me very much. The first his coming, he uses blue tartan shirt. He comes with his innocent face. I remember that boy come to buy some chrysanthemum flower. In my opinion that boy is cool and handsome, he also has polite attitude, and friendly. Maybe this is love in the first sight. But, I don't know who was his feeling to me. Our meeting lasted only an instant, after he paid the flower he go out directly. But the next day, he comes back to my store, he buys some chrysanthemum flower again.

What about the next day again, does he do the same thing that is buy some flower again?? find the answer in the next part of this fan fiction, leave your constructive comment. ^_^

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sakin fan fiction

Title                : Betwen Dark Angel,Vampire,& Gumiho
Staring by      : Huang Zhi Tao,Oh Sehun,Lee Ji Hyun
Author POV (Point Of View)
Hari ini benar-benar hari yang sangat melelahkan bagi Lee Ji Hyun,sejak pagi seisi dunia serasa tidak ada yang mendukungnya.Dilihatnya arloji merah jambu yang melingkar di tangan kirinya.Jarum pendek telah menunjuk angka pertengahan antara 5 dan 6.Pukul 17.45 ia belum juga tiba di rumah.Matahari tak lagi mengintip di balik rerimbunan ranting pohon,ia sudah hampir kembali ke tempat peristirahatannya Di kaki langit sebelah barat.Cericit burung gereja nyaris tidak ada lagi,hanya beberapa kelelawar yang sudah mulai keluar dari sarangnya.Lampu-lampu jalan sudah mulai dinyalakan di setiap sudut gang yang gelap.Sungguh pemandangan yang akan membuat hati seseorang terasa hampa.Senja yang fana,berlapis tabir orange kemerahan karena sinar matahari yang tua.
Jarak ke rumahnya masih cukup jauh,ia masih harus berjalan melalui lorong-lorong gang yang berkelok-kelok dan bersudut (lorong gang ala-ala film Doraemon).Jalanan cukup sepi membuatnya leluasa untuk bermonolog meluapkan kekesalannya.
Ji Hyun POV
“Aigoo,songsaengnim itu benar-benar menyebalkan,jelas-jelas bukan aku,tapi dia tetap saja menghukumku.Dia mirip sekali dengan squidweld lihat saja botak di kepalanya.Dan Soe Hi dia juga menyebalkan dia pasti sengaja menceritakan adegannya berciuman dengan pacar barunya untuk memameriku,dasar kekanak-kanakan.Aku tau aku memang belum berpengalaman lalu memangnya kenapa?aghrrr...gadis itu benar-benar”.kugigit tas yang sedang kubawa dengan gemasnya.
Author POV
Dakkk!Ji Hyun menendang kaleng bekas minuman yang ada di depannya.Seperti seorang striker yang menyuguhkan tendangan cantik ke arah gawang.Kaleng softdrink itu melayang dengan cantiknya melewati pagar tembok yang membatasi lapangan futsal dengan jalan setapak gang.Hingga akhirnya...
“Akhhh....!!”terdengar suara teriakan yang mengalihkan perhatian Ji Hyun yang tengah bermonolog ria mencibir orang-orang yang membuatnya kesal.Ia mencoba meyakinkan arah datangnya suara tersebut.”Apa tendanganku tadi mengenai kepala orang?”hatinya mencoba menebak-nebak.”Akhh...”suara itu terdengar semakin jelas  dari arah lapangan futsal.Ia mencoba mengintip apa yang terjadi di lapangan futsal itu,menyembunyikan badannya di balik tembok yang hanya setinggi 1,5 meter.Matanya terbelalak karena kaget dengan apa yang tengah dilihatnya.
Ji Hyun POV
Aku terkejut dengan apa yang kulihat di lapangan futsal tersebut.2 makhluk aneh yang sedang bertarung hebat,satu di antara mereka berupa sesosok Dark Angel.Kuberi nama dia Dark Angel karena kostum yang dikenakannya serba hitam.Namun laki-laki berparas angel dan bersayap hitam itu tengah terluka,ia kalah dari lawannya si Cute Vampire.Makhluk berkostum putih itu berparas manis,dan memiliki sepasang taring  yang belum begitu panjang di antara gigi serinya yang terjajar rapi,maka dari itu kuberi dia sebutan Vampire.Mungkin dalam alam ghaib mereka adalah hantu idola,hantu yang tampan.Pakaiannya sungguh rapi,pemilihan eye lensnya match dengan warna rambutnya.He is fashionable vampire.
Kulihat si dark angel itu sudah tidak mampu melawan si vampir,mungkin karena vampir itu terlalu kuat.Entah apa yang membuat mereka bertengkar,wajah mereka menyiratkan dendam yang terpendam begitu mendalam.Si vampir tengah mengeluarkan sebuah jurus dari tanganya dan bersiap menyerang si dark angel yang tengah terkapar.”Ya ampun,apa yang dilakukan si hitam,kenapa hanya diam saja bukankah dia pintar wushu,ayo keluarkan kekuatanmu dia akan menyerangmu.”cerocosku sok tau.
“Sekali lagi aku tidak sedang bermimpi mereka benar-benar nyata,aishh...ada apa ini?huftzz.ya ampun kenapa tidak ada orang yang melerai mereka.Ah siapa yang harus kutolong si putih vampir atau si hitam dark angel,mana di antara mereka yang bersifat baik?”Plakk!!Ji Hyun memukul kepalanya sendiri.’Ayolah Ji Hyun untuk apa kau pikirkan hal itu,tolong saja siapa yang memerlukan.”kataku mencoba menasehati diri sendiri.
‘Stop!jangan diteruskan!”dengan ekspresi innocent aku berteriak sembari berdiri dari tempatku bersembunyi,mengacungkan kelima jariku ke arah mereka.Membuat diriku terlihat jelas oleh mereka.”toewww...weww...wewww mereka menoleh.”Melihat mereka menoleh ke arahku membuatku sedikit takut dan salting.Kutepuk-tepuk sendiri bibirku yang suka pethakilan ini.”oh babo Lee Ji Hyun,aigoo...apa yang kau lakukan kau keceplosan,sekarang mereka semua sedang melihatmu”
Si  vampir Sehun tak lagi melanjutkan aksinya untuk menyerangku.Dalam hitungan detik ia sudah menghilang dengan Wind Power miliknya setelah tau ada makhluk lain berupa manusia memergoki pertarungan kami.Lalu setelah si vampire menghilang Gadis itu berlari mendekatiku,dengan wajahnya yang masih polos ia mencoba membangunkanku yang masih terkapar di lantai bercat hijau itu.”Oppa,oppa bangunlah!kau tidak papa?”
Dengan samar-samar aku tau dia memapahku dan menyandarkanku di tembok samping lapangan.Ia mengeluarkan sesuatu dari tas boneka miliknya.Sebuah kotak kecil berlambang palang merah.Dikeluarkannya satu persatu isi kotak itu.”oppa bertahanlah aku akan mengobati lukamu”
Saat aku tersadar seluruh lukaku telah terbalut rapi oleh kain kasa.Gadis itu masih melongo menunggu kesadaranku.Ia menyinggungkan sebuah senyuman yang sangat manis dan natural saat menyambut kesadaranku. Perlahan wajahnya semakin terlihat jelas olehku yang telah tersadar dari pingsan.”Gu,gumawo”kataku dengan masih terbata-bata.
Ji Hyun POV
Kulihat si dark angel telah sadar kembali.”Jeo neon Lee Ji Hyun ieyo,ireumi mwoyeyeo?”tanyaku mencoba membuka percakapan dengannya.”Aku Tao,Huang Zhi Tao,panggil saja aku Tao.”jawabnya dengan masih menahan sakit.Aku beralih dari posisiku jongkok dan duduk di sampingnya.”Mian Tao oppa,tadi kau pingsan jadi aku membawamu kemari,sepertinya kau bukan orang sini.Kau datang dari mana?tadi aku tidak sengaja melihatmu tengah bertarung dengan seorang namja.Melihat penampilan dan ilmu yang kalian miliki sepertinya kalian bukan manusia,lalu kenapa 2 makhluk berlainan saling berkelahi.”tanyaku panjang lebar seolah tak memberinya kesempatan untuk menjawabnya.
“Gwaenchana Ji Hyun,ne aku bukan manusia,aku...”belum selesai meneruskan jawabannya tiba-tiba ada “wushh...” sebuah kilatan seperti gerakan ninja yang begitu cepat hendak menyerangku dan Tao.Tao dengan sigapnya mendekap tubuhku mencoba melindungiku dari serangan itu.Adegan itu membuat jarak antara wajahku dan wajah Tao begitu dekat,hanya beberapa inchi saja.Ia benar-benar membuatku gelagapan,entah apa yang harus kulakukan.Sampai kapan adegan ini berakhir kenapa dia tidak segera melepaskan dekapannya bukankah kilatan itu telah tiada.Haruskah aku berbagi oksigen dengan jarak sedekat ini,oughh...”Kyaaa...apa yang dia lakukan???”
Wajah kami saling bertemu saat kulindungi dia dari serangan dadakan itu,namun ada hal lain yg mengganggu pikiranku.Gadis ini benar-benar mengingatkanku pada Youn Hee kekasihku yang telah meninggal.”Bogoshipo Youn Hee!.”kata-kataku itu membuat Ji Hyun membulatkan matanya karena terkejut.Dekapanku yang begitu erat membuat Ji Hyun sulit untuk melepaskan dirinya dariku.    Nampak jelas bahwa gadis itu masih kebingungan dengan tingkahku.Tak peduli apa yang akan dia lakukan,Aku tak kuasa menahan dirikui lagi,aku sangat merindukan Youn Hee,aku ingin sekali menciumnya.Kudekatkan bibirku pada bibir gadis itu,memejamkan mata dan berencana untuk menyatukannya dengan lembut.
Author POV
Sebelum itu terjadi,Si vampir Sehun datang dan langsung menghentikan aksi Tao.Saat Tao terpental jauh karena serangannya,Sehun mengambil kesempatan untuk membawa Ji Hyun lari darinya,entah apa yang membuat Se Hun vampire ingin merampas Ji Hyun si manusia dari tangan Tao musuhnya,entah siapa yang tau.Namun dengan cepat kilat Tao kembali menggenggam tangan Ji Hyun.Kini kedua namja itu saling menatap dengan kilatan mata yang begitu tajam.Yeoja itu tengah bingung dengan apa yang sedang dialaminya.
“sgdghjdhwjsnshaaajsjwnjdeh...,,#@@!>>,,,??!!@?,,,”kedua namja itu beradu mulut menggunakan bahasa alam vampir dan evil yang tidak dimengerti Ji Hyun.membuat telinga ji Hyun hampir meledak mendengarnya.”Stop,jebal stop!”ji Hyun berusaha untuk menghentikan mereka,namun tak ada satupun dari mereka yang mendengarkan Ji Hyun.Kedua makhluk itu masing-masing memegang tangan ji Hyun dengan sangat kuat membuatnya sulit untuk melepaskan diri Dark angel di kiri dan cute vampire di kanan.Kesabaran Ji Hyun kini telah sampai pada puncaknya,seongsaenim,Soe Hi,Tao,dan si vampir Sehun telah membangkitkan emosi jiwa terdalamnya yang sebenarnya tak boleh hal ini terjadi.Dan hal ini membuat sesuatu tak terduga terjadi pada Ji Hyun.Ia menundukkan kepalanya,sekujur tubuhnya mengeluarkan kilatan cahaya teramat menyilaukan,angin berhembus dengan cepat,dan membentuk pusaran angin yang cukup besar yang mementalkan kedua makhluk itu ke sudut lapangan,di sudut lapangan makhluk” itu masih mematung karena takjub dengan pa yang tengah terjadi.Tubuh ji Hyun terangkat dan berputar ke dalam pusaran angin.Beberapa saat kemudian Saat angin mulai tenang dan cahaya mulai meredup,tampaklah ji Hyun bergaun putih dan ada ekor di belakng tubuhnya,dengan jumlah ekor 9 dan menyerupai ekor rubah.
“Kyaaa.....Gumiho!”teriak si Dark angel Tao dan si vampir Sehun bersamaan.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sakin fan fiction

Title            : You Are My Hero
Staring by   : Yuri SNSD,Choi Siwon
Genre           : Action,romance
Rec.Ost                  : It’s War (MBLAQ)
Yuri POV(Point Of View)
Kurebahkan tubuh lelahku di atas spring bed berukuran 2x4 meter itu.Sepertinya tubuhku sudah menagih jatah istirahatnya malam ini.Sejak pagi ia bersamaku mempersiapkan segala sesuatunya untuk sidang final dari kasusu yang kutangani selama beberapa bulan terakhir ini sampai hari ini akhirnya selesai sudah kasusu ini.Rasa lelah rasanya telah terbayar dengan dimenangkannya kasus tersebut olehku.Aku adalah jaksa dari kantor kejaksaan Seoul,namaku Kim Yuri,aku lulusan gfakultas hukum Inha University.Sebagai jaksa,kasus yang kutangani bukan semacm kasus perceraian,perselingkuhan,atau pencemaran nama baik,atau kasus yang lebih sering berhubungan dengan kalangan selebritis,dan dengan bayaran yang lebih besar.Kasus yang kutangani adalah yang berkaitan dengan kejahatan kelas kakap dan harus berurusan dengan pelaku dengan wajah seram dan bertato,tidak ada satupun dari mereka yang berparas rupawan,apalagi mirip member boyband korea.Dan sangat lekat dengan kehidupan preman liar jalanan.Kebanyakan kejahatan yang mereka lakukan mengarah pada hal-hal yang berakhir dengan pendapatan uang yang banyak seperti penyelundupan,pengedaran narkotika,imigran gelap,dll.Banyak yang mengatakan ini pekerjaan yang berbahaya bagi seorang jaksa wanita,tapi menurutku ini sangat menantang.Aku percaya diri bahwa dengan kemampuan bela diriku aku bisa menjaga diriku sendiri.
Tok tok tok!!terdengar suara ketukan pintu di kamar apartemenku.Rasanya sangat kesal ada yang mengganggu istirahatku.”Huftzzz.....”lagi-lagi aku mendesah kesal.Mataku rasanya malas untuk terbuka,namun akhirnya kupaksakan kakiku untuk melangkah menuju pintu.Kurasa berdiam diri menolak tamu datang bukanlah hal yang baik.Aku tidak peduli dengan keadaanku yang belum rapi,paling hanya tukang laundry yang datang mengantarkan cucian,pikirku.Kubuika pintu itu tampak 3 pria berbadan tegap dan berkacamata hitam berdiri di depan pintu.Salah satu dari mereka dengan sigapnya membekuk tanganku dan menutupkan handuk kecil ke mulutku.Sungguh tindakan yang tidak terduga,aku tak sempat melawannya.Yang kutahu saat itu mataku terasa sangat berat dan seketika semuanya menjadi gelap.
Saat aku tersadar aku tak lagi berada di kamar apartemenku,kupikir itu adalah gudang.Gudang yang sudah bertahun-tahun tidak terpakai.Bangunan tua & jelek ini cukup pengap dan gelap.Aku tersadar bahwa mereka telah menculikku dari apartemenku dan kini menyekapku di tempat bodoh ini.”Setidaknya mereka bisa menyekapku di tempat yang lebih bersih dan nyaman,dasar penjahat jalanan.”gerutuku.Aku terus berfikir untuk terbebas dari sini.Entah siapa yang berani menyekapku yang jelas mereka benar-benar pengecut,kurasa ini ada hubungannya dengan kasus yang baru saja kutangani.”Jadi mereka ingin balas  dendam”
Aku tidak akan berteriak minta tolong,itu adaklah tindakan bodoh yang ada dalam adegan drama sinetron.Sudah tau tidak ada orang kecualipara penculik untuk apa berteriak.Penculik tidak sebodoh itu menyekapmu di tempat yang terdapat banyak orang.
Saat itu yang kutahu tidak ada yang menjagaku.Kucoba meraih pisau lipat yang terselip di kantongku.”Untunglah pisau lipat ini selalu kubawa.”gumamku senang.Dengan hati-hati kupotong tali yang mengikat tangan dan kakiku.Selang 20 menit tali di tanganku berhasil kupotong,kulanjutkan dengan melepas ikatan di kakiku.Sial ada 2 pria yang datang,mau tidak mau aku harus menghadapinya.2 bajingan itu berhasil ku atasi dengan ilmu beladiri yang kumiliki.Perkelahian kami ternyata mengundang perhatian komplotan penyekap yang lain.Jumlah mereka cukup banyak,tidak mungkin bagiku untuk melawan mereka.”Dasar tikus-tikus brengsek,beraninya keroyokan.”gerutuku.
Satu-satunya cara yang terfikir olehku adalah mengambil langkah seribu.Aku tidak tau ke mana harus berlari.Aku hanya berlari dan berusaha menjauh dari mereka yang bersikeras mengejarku.Mereka benar-benar menyebalkan mencegaktu dari berbagai lorong.Untunglah masih ada celah yang belum terblokir.Lagi-lagi sial,jalan buntu.Tidak ada jalan lain kecuali menghadapi 2 pria berjas hitam yang memblokir jalan di sebelah kiriku.Jumlah mereka yang hanya sedikit mampu kuatasi.Namun,dorrr!!!sebuah peluru menyerempet lengan kananku.Membuat luka yang cukup lebar di lenganku.Sambil memegangi luka di lenganku yang mulai banyak mengalirkan darah aku berupaya lari ke arah kiri menjauh dari mereka selagi mereka lengah.Lorong yang panjang dan pengap itu,benar-benar mengganggu pandanganku yang mulai berkunang-kunang karena lemas menahan sakit.
Sudah cukup,aku sudah tidak sanggup lagi berlari.Kuputuskan untuk bersembunyi di balik tembok pembatas itu.Di antara tumpukan tong bekas berukuran sedang itu.Jarak mereka semakin dekat.Kudengar salah satu dari mereka memerintahkan untuk berpencar mencariku.Aku berdiri di samping tembok dengan nafas yang masih tersengal-sengal dan menahan perih yang luar biasa.Ku atur kembali nafasku agar tidak menimbulkan suara apapun.Penjahat itu semakin dekat dengan posisiku bersembunyi.Dia telah berada tepat di sebelah tembok ini.Aku bahkan bisa melihat ujung sepatu kulit miliknya.Sudah tidak ada lagi harapan,bergerak seinchi saja sudah memancing perhatiannya.Kupikir dia bahkan sudah mencium keberadaanku di sini.Kulihat sepatu itu semakin mendekat ke arahku.
Kupejamkan mataku,pasrah dengan semua yang akan terjadi.Hanya keajaiban yang bisa menolongku saat ini.Mungkin inilah takdir seorang jaksa,harus mati di tangan dendam para terdakwanya.Kuharap timku bisa menemukan jasadku dan mengusut kasus ini hingga tuntas.Membunuh seorang jaksa sungguh tidak sopan.
Kurasakan sebuah tangan  halus mensekap mulutku dan sebidang dada yang lapang mendekapku.Menyeret tubuhku sedikit ke belakang.Kurasa penculik itu berhasil menangkapku.Saat kubuka mataku,kupikir orang itu bukanlah bagian dari komplotan penculik.Tampan!itu kesan pertamaku.ditempelkannya telunjuk jarinya di bibirnya yang manis,mengisyaratkanku untuk diam.Selama hampir 15 menit aku bertahan di pelukannya,tangan kananya merangkul kepalaku dan tangan kirinya ia lingkarkan dengan erat di pinggangku,ini semua membuatku sedikit gugup.Kurasakan detak jantungnya yang berdetak sedikit lebih cepat,itu sangat jelas memijat pipiku yang menempel tepat di dadanya.Mungkin saat itu ia juga merasakan ketegangan yang sama denganku.Sampai akhirnya kami selamat dari kejaran penjahat itu.Akupun bernafas bisa lega.
Kutatap pria itu,samar-samar aku pernah melihatnya,kulihat ia bersama terdakwa di pengadilan siang tadi,apa mungkin dia tangan kanan mafia itu,tapi kenapa dia justru menolongku dan tidak membunuhku dengan kejam karena telah memasukkan majikannya ke buy.Atau dia juga seorang jaksa,entahlah.”Choi siwon’itulah nama yang kubaca dari badge yang menempel di saku dad kirinya.Tapi,siapaun dia,gamshahamnida!.Pandanganku kembali berkunang-kunang hingga kahirnya semuanya menjadi gelap.”Nona,nona..bangunlah!”serunya mencoba menyadarkanku yang tengah pingsan.”

Pictures of Kebumen Tourism [let's visit ^-^]

Here are some pictures that show the beauty of Kebumen Tourism
  1. Menganti Beach, [Kec. Ayah ]

2. Wadaslintang reservoir, [Kec.Prembun]

3. Logending Beach, [Ke. Ayah]
4. Sempor reservoir [Kec.Sempor]
5. Jembangan , [Kec. Poncowarno]
6. Jatijajar Cave [Kec.Ayah]
7. Lippi [kec.Karangsambung]/the research center in the world of kinds of rocks

8. Rowo Beach [kec.mirit]

9. Suwuk beach [kec.ayah]
10. Benteng Vanderwijck [ kec.gombong]
11. Petruk Cave [kec. Ayah]

12. Pemandian air panas Krakal [kec.Alian]

13. Pranji [Kec.Pejagoan]
14. Alun alun Kebumen [kec.kebumen]
15. Tugu Lawet [pusat kota]