Saturday, March 30, 2013

Which Do You Prefer "PHP" or "HTS" ?

Which do you prefer?? "PHP" or "HTS"

           First I will explain to you what the meaning of "PHP", "PHP" itself taken by Indonesian language that is "Pemberi Harapan Palsu" or in English known as someone who gives the false expectations, oh no!!! :(  I can image that, what the feelings of someone who is given the false expectations it must be hurt, right??
         Many of person said that many of expectations to more many be disappointed. So that, should you hold something from what you want?? I don't think so, because hope is the last wealth. Someone can hold his live because of  a hope. So disappointed is better than no hope.
         OK, now let's discuss the hope about love. Image that you like someone and you think that this person like you too. I'm sure that you have big expectations, right?? But, are you sure that the person really like you?? (@_^) I think you haven't known about that. And your hope can become a disappointment. When you know that the person doesn't actually give you a hope. Maybe that person goes it to you because he just wants to have fun with you, joking with you, teasing to you, or so on. Or maybe you are too sensitive when someone gives more care to you. Whereas he doesn't have any other purpose. But don't worry to have a hope, if you hope something that all can be a motivation in your life. If you expect someone that isn't your fault, you are not guilty. Disappoint must be had, hurt must be felt. But it's a lesson for love, life, and fate.

        Now we will discuss about HTS, in Indonesian language HTS is Hubungan Tanpa Status. Or in English is the relationship without any status. It means between two persons boy and girl have a something between them, they forge a bond without knowing what are they feeling. Establishing a relationship don't know what it is called, whether it be love, dating or relationships even without any status. There are many reasons why HTS is happen maybe either or both are equally embarrassed to express their feelings. That is reasonable, but the one that unusual reason that one of them already has a lover. So almost close to the affair relationship. So, one of them difficult for each to release their lover. But between them there is a love too. I think they are  wishy washy or indecisive person. Huh,
or more hurt if one of them e.g. the girl likes the boy, but the boy doesn't respond her feeling maybe the boy really don't like her or the boy already has a lover. But the boy feels  compassionate to the girl , he doesn't to hurt or make her disappointed , so the best way for him make a relationship with the girl who likes him without any status , he just give the more care to her, kind to her, and so on, except that he does the same thing with her lover, so he feels that it is fair enough to them [it's for good boy, different if happen with a bad boy, I don't know what will happen]. 
          Maybe for the girl it's enough. Enough to make her happy. But without her knowing she has lied to his lover. She gets more attention from someone who has been owned other person, it's a fault. Indirectly you've hurt her.
A good relationship is the relationship that carried clearly without anything that be hidden.

So the conclusion are hope isn't a fault, but a hope that reasonable. And a relationship without status isn't the best solution.


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