Saturday, March 23, 2013

My Opinion About Religious Divisions

The more we know about something, the more we'll confused too. It was happen to me when I was deepening about islamic history, about the humiliation of islam and the divisions of islam itself. From all that then appears some opinions from people who are very fanatic to islam. Their opinions are very various, and sometimes it out of line, and make some discords.I am moslem, I love my faith, of course I love Islam, but I don't like if Moslem people defile islam with their a very deep hatred to other religion mainly to them who have vilified islam. if be asked "aren't you angry if islam be humiliated?" of course i will answer that i am mad. but we are not god who has the rights to judge. Let God to do that, God know what are fine and don't , every goodness and badness comes from God. In my opinion let's live normally, don't do anything that not usefull, every people have endowed mind, thoughts, and feelings so we can determine what are fine and not fine. So we can filter some views, and don't receive all that arbitrarily. Stop to divisive race.The more we do activity to vengeance to other , it will further demonize islam in their views. Allohuakbar, Alloh is the most powerful. Everything happens by the will of Alloh. Manage our live well, then we can teach other.So far the biggest questions in my mind is why in islam itself must there are some different views and some divisions?? "Islam is a unity, in the world islam just one, nothing other islam , and nothing the kind of islam, Islam just one that be brought by Muhammad SAW as our really prophet. Over all, I love Islam as my faith. It just about my opinion, so don't think negative about my writing, once again I confirm that it jus't my opinion.


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