Author : Sakinatul M.
Based on : My Own Experience
"English Is My Passion, but Accounting Is My Fate" I choose this tittle because it is match with my real story. Actually Sakin who comes from Kebumen since she was Elementary School already love English. And her love of english language grew up as she sat in Junior High School.
The Reason why Sakin good at English because she loves English very much. For Sakin learn English is very interesting and fun. The gold key how we can master something we have to love it first. If we have love it, although the thing are very difficult but it can become the interesting challenge. The first time Sakin love English because of her idol. That is the rider who has name Dani Pedrosa. Turn out, idolized someone can become our motivation. Sakin's motivation that got from Pedrosa because she want one day when Sakin abroad and meet Dani Pedrosa Sakin will not embarrassing himself because can't communicates well or happen the miscommunication with Pedrosa. So Sakin do effort how to improve her ability in English. Everyday Sakin reads English reading material and if Sakin find the difficult words or some words are not known she will write down on the paper try to find the meaning on the dictionary, then she memorized until she can remember well the meaning. She do it again, again, and again. Except that, Sakin also learn English by watching western movies. And naturally when Sakin learn English at school or learn by herself it take a place easily. I'm not smart girl but my love to something make me get somethiong unforeseen. Sakin ever get third position in English debate competition when I was at Vocational High School.So the key just "HOW WE LOVE SOMETHING" :) [we can add our idol as our motivation study too] (@_^)
When I graduated from Vocational High School actually I want continue in English education department in college. I take "SNMPTN UNDANGAN" I choose English education department and Pure Accounting department in Semarang State University and Brawijaya University. The second choice that is Pure Accounting because my basic at Vocational High School I take Accounting department [that was my father's request]. Whereas, my mark at accounting is not good as mark in English, and my passion too. For me English is simple we just learn about how we can communicate with other language. But not with accounting, accounting for me is very complicated, sophisticated, and so on. We have to careful when calculating, writing down, record, read, etc. And the most annoying that is we always count the money in large amount but not real, just in writing. >'< Matter of accounting is all about cycles, so if there one mistake it will at beginning it will impact until the final report, so if we want to fix the mistake we have to fix all in sequence from beginning til end. It is very boring. And Sakin is sloppy girl so it's very difficult to master Acconting lesson. I almost given up to learn it.
But I realized, maybe Sakin has not love Accounting so for Sakin Accounting is very difficult. Nevertheless, God give Accounting department as Sakin department right now as Sakin fate. The fate asks Sakin to love and learn Accounting well as Sakin love and learn English. Little by little Sakin begin to love accounting and the difficulties are diminishing. So far so good, althought Sakin's motivation in Accounting haven't found [Mrs. Sri Mulyani Inderawati maybe]. :)
Accounting Class [B], Economy faculty, Semarang state university , are my fair fate from Alloh SWT as my God. ^_^
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