Saturday, March 30, 2013

Minister of Education, Rector, and Governor of Central Java Attend The Inauguration Of New Building in Semarang State University

"Minister of Education, Rector, and Governor attend The Inauguration Of New Building in Semarang University"

       Today, 30 of March 2013 Semarang State University hold the event with tittle "Student Workshop of Bidik Misi Scholarship and Inauguration of New Bulding at Semarang State University". The event be held to celebrate Semarang State University anniversary a to 48. The event was attended by Special star guest that was The Minister of Education in Indonesia Mr. Prof. Dr.  H. M. Nuh, DEA, rector of Semarang state university, Mr. Prof. Dr. Sudijono Sastroatmojo, M. Si, except that also present governor of Central Java for this period Mr. H. Bibit Waluyo and their respective  entourage like, Deans of each faculty in UNNES, vice deans, first provost , second provost, and so on. The event running successfully although just run in about 2 hours.

         The first event is opening prayer. Then, the next event is speech by rector. In his discourse, Mr. Sudijono expressed his pride to Bidik Misi student, except that he also read the achievements are got by Bidikmisi students, among of them like achievement of championship race, achievement of performance index, etc. The point is our rector Mr. Sudijono is very proud to us Bidikmisi student and Semarang State University generally.

          And the most memorable of the event is when be filled by Indonesian Education Minister that was Mr. Nuh. At the beginning of the speech he greet everyone who attend the event include us the student and don not miss the parents who attend too. Then, he inauguration some new buildings in Semarang State University , among of them are GSG Building, the lecture building in PGSD Ngaliyan, Tegal, and law faculty , and the last is schooling laboratory of UNNES. Then, he also expressed his pride to UNNES student, in his speech he delivered 3 point characteristic features of UNNES student. The first characteristic is "Respect student" he said that UNNES student are respect to other. It proven when his coming to UNNES some students have already lined up at the main gate of UNNES. Second, "Socially friendly". According to him we are friendly. And the last of his his impression on us is "Has The spirit and tradition of high achievement". Maybe that because of some achievement are we gotten, and our jargon that always voiced when there is big event. There are "UNNES......SUTERA" , "BIDIKMIS.......PRESTASI", "KONSERVASI.....LANJUTKAN", and so on. I think so  :D

        After that, he called some student parents to  forward to the podium in front of the audience as their representative. He was doing an exclusive interview with them. He also asked some students who don't have complete parents either don't have father or mother, even they who don't have both either father or mother or orphaned student. Mr. Nuh asked one by one the student parents who become representative in front of, he asked about their job, their family, their education, family condition, economy condition, and so on. There are some parents who have sad story about their family condition, there was happy too, and fun there was too. They are given the opportunity to shake hand of Mr. Nuh of course, our governor Mr. Bibit, and our rector Mr. Sudijono. And I saw all of them were very happy had that opportunity, even some of them so touched and shed their tears.

       Suddenly, the event become so touching when some of them told their economy conditions, their difficulty in life, their love for their children, their pride for their children, and the story from the students who don't have complete parents or orphaned student. Many of students were crying when the event was in progress, including the parents who came. Including me, I was crying because I remember my parents at home. I was regret because I couldn't bring my parents to attend that event. My record is not meet. But sometimes I promise to bring them shake hand with rector, governor, and education minister, even the president. hehe....(@_^)

         About 09.00 a.m until 09.30 a.m courtyard auditorium filled touching, crying, laughing, togetherness, and loving. Nearly two and a half hours was filled with these sense. I think Mr. Nuh and friends were success made atmosphere into a liquid and full of warmth and togetherness  despite the show is very formal event, but very pronounced the kinship.

       Overall for me the event was very impressed. Success has always been to four friends between rector of Semarang State University, Mr. Prof. Dr. Sudijono Sastroatmojo, M. Si,  rector of Surakarta State University [i don't know his name , >,< ], Governor of Central Java Mr. H. Bibit Waluyo, and the Education minister Mr. Prof. Dr. H. M. Nuh, DEA.
Success for our rector Mr. Sudijono who running for the vice governor of central java with Mr. H. Bibit Waluyo as a couple for the next period. Hopefully can bring central java more advance and successfully than ever and become the leader who trusted. We know that your decision to leave Semarang state university for a noble cause. We love you sir, good bye and good fight. We always support you, don't forget us.UNNES student. ^_^


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Tetap semangat belajar...

Unknown said...

Hehe....makasih banyak, :)

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